For me, childhood suffering and overwhelming trauma through young adulthood led to a shamanic break. At that point I made the personal, positive decision to never stop evolving rather than giving into a static belief systems. For instance, instead of trying medications when they were offered, I sought various healing modalities which refined my natural sensitivities over the years and revealed to me that the problem was not with me but with the lack of sensitivity in our culture at large, like our inability to see animals as sentient and equal to us . . .

After facilitating trauma healing in humans for a decade, using breathwork in a process called 'rebirthing' which revisits and releases pain frozen in the body, I was invited to live as an adopted daughter of the Hopi, Native American tribe. I worked with elders and was honored to live for another decade there, learning their gentle ways in a culture in which telepathic communication is normal. I re-emerged into this modern American life with some highly developed and uncommon perceptions. One of these is the ability to hear animals speak.
Because the noise of this culture is overwhelming for me, I live quietly and can sometimes be perceived as having a fey demeanor, but just underneath is a spunky natural communication style which aligns well with the animals I read. They speak without filters and like to have a laugh.
I help my clients bridge the gap between the expectation that animals should relieve humans of their anxiety or perform to their commands, and instead I focus on the reciprocal gifts we can also give to our animals to help them relax and have all they need, even when it seems a bit unusual - like listening to them. They are excited to communicate their needs if only asked, and my work often includes communicating to you their exact soul purpose for being in your life.
"Our animals are with us for a reason, and when they show challenging behaviors we have a choice: venture forward in love to learn about ourselves and them, or cast them aside. I can help you with the first choice, but never with the second. The spirit I work with is holy, to care for all creatures as a sacred caretaker." all love ~ Lilli