Fear and Domination or Holistic Trust and Cooperation? These are our training choices.

Currently, animal training is based on control. Even positive 'reward-based' training is a communication going only one-way, and withholding of treats is a form of manipulation; the animal's opinion is usually not taken into account. "Do it my way" is the only message.

There is another way.

. . . and it is the wave of the future.

Coming into rapport with these special beings is an honor and a skill which takes a little development on our part, but the results are epiphanic!

If you want to discover a connection based on 2-way respect which will open your heart, try my training style. Not rooted in 'I say it, you do it', but instead in 'let's discover what works for us together', it results in a working relationship between you and your pet which is unbreakable.

I offer a (3 session) training package for $450 which includes 1 (1.5-2hour) initial session teaching you to cooperate with your animal and additionally 2 (1 hour) sessions to support you and your animal around behavioral issues, personalized to your needs. Once you learn to apply cooperation, you should be able to address any additional issue that arises for your precious animal during the course of your lives together, but you will always have on-going access to me via text and phone calls at no additional cost for questions that do come up. Additional in-person sessions with me are $90/hr.

Helping Dogs Understand Through Choice

This lovely rescue lucked out with the best dog parents ever, but she would not let dog walkers take her on a walk and only barked. See her result below after working with Lilli.