Anxious animals become restful quickly.

This rescue has a repaired but badly broken leg and won't let helpers near.
From extreme hyper-activity to a deep letting go.

Badly wanting to cuddle but snaps in warning - 'stay away'!

Able to give cuddles & scratches safely after a short meditation.

If your animal is displaying troublesome behavior it cannot seem to get beyond, if your animal need to be watched closely around strangers or doesn't like some body parts being touched, if your animal displays nervous barking or hyperactivity this may be a sign of a trauma suffered. Of which you may not be at all aware. And your animal cannot tell you, except through acting out or through an animal communication session.

This happens often with rescues. Their attempts to convey what has happened to them may turn to compulsive acting out that owners can't read. It even happens in animals which have been very well-cared for and when it does it seems like a big mystery. Meditating with your animal can help you identify subtle signs of distress and teach you to calm your animal quickly before escalation.

I teach an easy method to meditate along with your animal. This creates a deep connection and a strong calm you can access quickly. It requires no meditation or spiritual experience, yet it yields quick results in situations which may have escalated in the past.

Sometimes our animals just need a break from human expectations and a short meditation yields amazing results.